Artificial Inteligence

Computer Vision

Computer vision allows to automate processes using visual information with digital images or videos and other sources.

Artificial Inteligence

Pattern Recognition

Through pattern recognition, machines can identify objects and situations to make decisions and act accordingly.

Artificial Inteligence


Utilizando diferentes técnicas de inteligencia artificial, la Geoinformática permite analizar información geoespacial proveniente de distintas fuentes, como imágenes satélites, estaciones meteorológicas, bases de datos geoestadisticas, redes sociales o cualquier otro tipo de información con componentes espacio temporales.

Artificial Inteligence

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing combines different artificial intelligence techniques to give machines the ability to process human language in written or spoken form, to understand its meaning.

Artificial Inteligence

Movil Robotics

We have more than 20 years of experience in mobile robotics, using computer vision techniques, probabilistic robotics and tools such as ROS and Gazebo.

Artificial Inteligence

Machine Learning

Machine learning allows machines to learn from a set of training data, the parameters of mathematical models such as neural networks, support vector machines or probability density functions, to apply them to other artificial intelligence techniques such as pattern recognition.